People often ask me if Roxie was really adopted. Yes, she was, from a very reputable rescue in Orange County, California.
Roxie had been in a home that was simply not suitable, and was taken to “foster care” where her temperament was assessed and she visited the veterinarian as she unfortunately had heart worm. She received treatment, and I was the lucky person to bring her home.
Roxie inspired the books because she is a very optimistic dachshund. She wakes daily expecting everything to be fun, and she lives each day full of life and excitement.
Each of the books represents a real life event that Roxie experienced. As one first grader pointed out when I was reading “Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home” to a group at an elementary school “so really, this is non-fiction”. Well, smart kid, because in essence she is correct.
Many people have told me about being inspired by a pet. There are hundreds if not thousands of people who have found that having a pet helped their depression or their severe anxiety.
Do you have a story to tell? If so, we would like to hear it! We might even pick a couple and feature them on our blog!